Still eating

Still eating, originally uploaded by soja.

Just to prove it. It's getting to the point where it just seems too hot to eat anything except horchata lollies and gazpacho. This was tasty, nothing spectacular, tinned sweetcorn, frozen peas, tinned chinese seitan and bamboo shoots, fresh spinach - and the exciting bit (to me) fresh nasturtium leaves from the balcony - home grown. Sometimes I miss my allotment...
My balcony is quite shady and very windy, geraniums and succulents are fine, but I've struggled to grow much else here. But this year the basil is thriving, the beans have grown to the top of their homemade support and the nasturtiums are all good.


Catofstripes said…
Looks great, just my sort of thing. :-)

I don't think I'd be able to cope without a garden of some sort.
Soja said…
I like the cat picture :-)

I lived for one year, in Lima, without any outdoor space at all, or an oven, which was strange.

I'm determined to make a move one day that will result in a garden.