Flipped coins

Flipped coins, originally uploaded by soja.

OK, how do people photograph quilts?! I'll try and get a better picture later.

Why all the circles/bubbles/flipped coins? I don't know, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I like it. They are all hemmed and handstitched on, so shouldn't fray. I'm not sure how they will wrinkle when it is washed, I might add some quilting to them if they seem to need it.

The backing fabric, which I trimmed, folded in half and stitched to the front to bind the quilt is a very nice soft cotton print from Ikea.


Ann Champion said…
I just love the addition of the balls/circles/bubbles..whatever they are! It takes the stacked coins up a notch...and makes the quilt so much more interesting. It will be interesting to see how they look once laundered? Your quilting looks wonderful..looks like you're ready for your beautiful pinwheel quilt? ;)
Soja said…
Thanks Ann, the quilt is hanging on the line drying now, the applique looks fine - phew! I'll try and get a picture of it tomorrow. :-)
Genie said…
I really love the new coins! What a great addition! I thought the quilt was great before but it's even better now. :)