Mini Tortoises

Mini Tortoises, originally uploaded by soja.

I made up a pattern for these little tortoises last night, they are about 3" long and already in the post to my Etsy customer. She had mentioned that she and her husband had just got married, so I included these as a little gift (she was buying a tortoise soft toy so I guessed that she liked tortoises).

I'm pleased with how they turned out, and as I have the paper templates and they are my own design, I think I might try and write a little tutorial for them.

Been a bit quiet blogwise. I've spent the week trying to get the new freemotion foot to work with my machine better. It does, but I still have to rip out a lot of stitches because of tension problems, which disappear when I switch to the old foot. I've also been working on my own design for a metal framed purse. Not quite there yet. Dad arrives on Wednesday for a two week visit so will probably not post much, then back to work. Eek.
