It's all coming up roses!

Felt rose hair clips, originally uploaded by soja.

It's my friend's daughters birthday soon, and after a few Christmases and birthdays, I'm running out of handmade ideas for presents.

I bought her a non-handmade gift, and was feeling a little sad that there was no crafty love. Then I saw the tutorial for these clips at the Purl Bee and thought they would be just the thing to add to a homemade card! I didn't follow the pattern exactly - I used mini-clips, and just drew my own shapes for the flowers, based on theirs, and I used acrylic felt.

I think they are pretty sweet.


Amy said…
I'm so glad to see that you were successful making these with acrylic felt! I also saw that post on Purl Bee, and was considering giving it a try - but didn't want to spend the money on the wool!

Your's turned out adorable!
Tacha said…
soooo pretty!!!!!
RosaMarĂ­a said…
i love them!! they're a perfect gift!
winterpeachblog said…
Those would be a great mother's day present. Thanks for the inspiration.